A unified sales room to boost your entire deal process'

  • Centralize all deal-related information
  • Simplify the buying process
  • Improve team collaboration

Tailor it with simple building blocks

Reimagine buyer-seller collaboration with Notch's flexible building blocks. With an array of customizable elements like text, images, action plan, tables and more, Notch is perfectly designed to suit your sales process.

  • Seamlessly integrate a wide array of tools into your space
  • Tailor it with drag and drop building blocks
  • Create fully customizable, branded spaces

Create personalized  sales rooms in minutes

Say goodbye to sales friction and hello to effortless sales success. Impress buyers with a personalized sales room where all information and resources are in one shared place.

  • Create fully customizable, branded spaces
  • Choose from more than 20 interactive elements
  • Consolidate all your sales resources

Align the entire buying group

Notch offers you the power to engage the entire buying group in a workspace, without requiring them to sign-up. This is particularly valuable if multiple decision-makers need to be onboarded and kept informed throughout the process.

  • Maintain control over who can access your space
  • Provide a seamless experience for your prospects and customers
  • Ensure all necessary stakeholders are included

I am excited to see the vision of the team come to life as they strive to help us to align with our buyers in a whole new way.
